Open house day at the RUN

As part of an open house event at the Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy (RUN) on Tuesday, July 9th, 64 members and guests of the institute participated in the first “RUN Run.” This relay race involved 32 teams of two, each completing a two-and-a-half-kilometer course twice. The event was organized by the GRK 2905 “Ultrafast Nanoscopy: From single-particle dynamics to cooperative processes.”

The open house began at noon with tours of the new research building, providing scientists from various faculties with a deeper understanding of the center’s research activities. The relay race was designed to reflect the spirit of RUN, emphasizing speed, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a blend of enjoyment and competitiveness. The organizers were pleased with the high level of participation and the event’s success in fostering cooperation and new interdisciplinary connections.

Press release (UR): here.

© UR, Schmid